
Create a booking
Click on the Road icon on the main menu and select Bookings. Open a booking.

To create a new booking, click on the + button in the list of bookings.
The images in this guide are for the customer booking, but the operations are similar for the supplier one.
The images in this guide are for the customer booking, but the operations are similar for the supplier one.

Enter at least the customer, the number of passengers and the vehicle type.
Also, specify the travel type selecting one from those you registered.
Also, specify the travel type selecting one from those you registered.

In the case of a flight, enter its pertinent information by clicking on the Route field's flight details.

Enter the route points, specifying at least the dates of the first and last one.

Add other route points using the : button, duplicate one by right-clicking it, and selecting the Duplicate option.

If you have registered depots inside the program, you can add them automatically to the route by right-clicking and choosing the Add depot option.
Sengerio will look for the depot closest to the departure or arrival of the trip, if present.
Sengerio will look for the depot closest to the departure or arrival of the trip, if present.
By clicking on Prices, you will access the details that generate the Total Price, and you can also modify them.

Remember that you can apply a Price to a booking from your rate tables by calculating it based on the data entered such as distance, duration, vehicle and travel type, locations and departure and arrival times. Click on Show Rate Tables to price of the booking.
After a price has been calculated, you can see the total price next to the distance in the Route tab.

When you are satisfied, click on the save button to complete the creation.

Specify the territoriality of a trip
Insert a note in a booking
Insert a “No show” in a booking
Manage incurred expenses in the booking
Duplicate a booking
Repeat a booking
Insert a note in a booking
Insert a “No show” in a booking
Manage incurred expenses in the booking
Duplicate a booking
Repeat a booking
Cancel a booking
Manage the extras in the booking
Insert an issue on the road in a booking
Configure the variable costs of a Booking
Close a booking
Differences between closing and canceling a booking
Print or send booking document
Enter the information of the completed trip
Manage payments of a booking
Profit analysis of a Booking
Use the passengers list
Upload an attachment in a booking
Manage the route and hire duties in the booking
Retrieve an email address from a booking
Invite suppliers to offer a price
Manage the extras in the booking
Insert an issue on the road in a booking
Configure the variable costs of a Booking
Close a booking
Differences between closing and canceling a booking
Print or send booking document
Enter the information of the completed trip
Manage payments of a booking
Profit analysis of a Booking
Use the passengers list
Upload an attachment in a booking
Manage the route and hire duties in the booking
Retrieve an email address from a booking
Invite suppliers to offer a price