Insert a “No show” in a booking

Click on the Road icon in the main menu and select Bookings. Open up the specific booking where you wish to insert a 'No Show'.

If a passenger was not present for their booking, they are classed as a no-show. To register a passenger as a no-show, click the No show button that you can find by clicking the Route tab on that specific booking. The No Show button is found in the bottom right of the page.

Write your desired text in the window and specify a Reason if applicable.

All no-shows are reported in a list in the Route tab indicated by the ghost icon.

To view all the bookings in which there is a no-show, access the bookings list and click on the column labeled status booking and select the filter no show

The same No show can also be inserted directly by the driver through the Sengerio Driver application using the Sengerio Driver – Use step tracking.
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