Everything you need to manage your bookings
Manage the prices in the booking
Specify the territoriality of a trip
Insert a note in a booking
Insert a “No show” in a booking
Manage the expenses incurred by the driver
Duplicate a booking
Repeat a booking
Booking for a return trip
Manage the costs of a booking
List of bookings
Create a booking
Use flight information
Insert an activity in a booking
Cancel a booking
Manage the additional expenses and extras of a trip
Take advantage of trip notifications
Use document templates
Add a second driver to a booking
Changes log
Connect two or more trips
Use section templates
Insert an issue on the road in a booking
Configure the variable costs of a Booking
Close a booking
Differences between closing and canceling a booking
Manage your places
Print or send booking document
Enter the information of the completed trip
Profit analysis of a Booking
Manage the route and hire duties in the booking
Upload an attachment in a booking
Use the passengers list
Route synchronization with the customer
Verify trip invoicing
Import your bookings in Sengerio
Use the step tracking feature for a trip