
A canceled booking is no longer visible in the Agenda, but can still be invoiced.
Also, you can restore it whenever you want by clicking on the corresponding item inside the menu of the booking.
Differences between closing and canceling a booking
A booking can be closed by the clicking on the Close invoicing button in the menu.
Once you press "Close invoicing", the booking remains in the booking list but is only visible by modifying the filter of the Invoicing column, which normally only shows those that are not invoiced.
However, a closed booking can be modified but not invoiced, and remains visible on the Agenda.
Once you press "Close invoicing", the booking remains in the booking list but is only visible by modifying the filter of the Invoicing column, which normally only shows those that are not invoiced.
However, a closed booking can be modified but not invoiced, and remains visible on the Agenda.

If you or the customer decides to cancel a service, this is a . cancellation
To cancel a service, simply click the Cancel booking button in the menu and, if resources have been allocated, they are automatically released.
You can view a canceled booking on the list by removing the filter from the Status Trip column.
To cancel a service, simply click the Cancel booking button in the menu and, if resources have been allocated, they are automatically released.
You can view a canceled booking on the list by removing the filter from the Status Trip column.

A canceled booking is no longer visible in the Agenda, but can still be invoiced.
Also, you can restore it whenever you want by clicking on the corresponding item inside the menu of the booking.