Manage a conversation in Sengerio

A conversation is the list of messages related to a precise booking that is exchanged between you and a business partner connected via Sengerio.

To access the detail of a conversation there are several ways:
  • Click on a notification, which you can see by going to Messages.

  • Open a booking and click on the chat icon to access the conversation related to that specific booking.

Each message, contained within a colored speech bubble, shows the name of the sender or recipient. The date and time are also visible.

Below, there is an example of a message that comes when the connected customer assigns you a booking.

To accept the assignment click on the green Accept button, to refuse click on the red Refuse button.

Clicking on Accept the booking status changes from Pending to Open.

Any change to the booking made by you or your business partner triggers a message. Fields marked with a red triangle are those that have been modified.

To send a text message at any time, write in the white space below, choose the recipient and click on Send.

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