
Here, it is necessary to manually enter the Supplier, a row of the invoice, the invoice number, and the Expiration date.

Once the invoice is created, you can view the information at the bottom of the Invoice rows tab.
Click on the blue arrow inside the field Cancelled amount to view the list of credit notes connected to this invoice.
Click on the blue arrow inside the Tax field to see a list of the amounts of the invoice lines (or related tax amount) grouped by tax code.

Create an invoice
On your list of invoices, click the + button to create a new invoice.
The invoice that you create is a customer or supplier invoice, depending on which list you are currently in.
The invoice that you create is a customer or supplier invoice, depending on which list you are currently in.

- Customer invoice
Enter at least the Customer and a row of the invoice. The document date is set by default to the current date, while the Expiration date is calculated from the date of the document by adding deferred days and a Month end check (this rounds the expiration date to the last day of the month or before). The method, the bank, the deferment, and the chargeable sales tax are applied at the moment of choosing the Customer, taking the corresponding information specified in your records. This can be modified.

- Supplier Invoice
Here, it is necessary to manually enter the Supplier, a row of the invoice, the invoice number, and the Expiration date.

Once the invoice is created, you can view the information at the bottom of the Invoice rows tab.
Click on the blue arrow inside the field Amount paid to view the registered payments for this invoice.
Click on the blue arrow inside the field Cancelled amount to view the list of credit notes connected to this invoice.
Click on the blue arrow inside the Tax field to see a list of the amounts of the invoice lines (or related tax amount) grouped by tax code.

Import a trip to the invoice
For customer Invoices, you can import and connect one or more than one trip to the invoice.
Select a customer on the new invoice and click on Import trip from the menu.
The invoice rows will be automatically filled with the price and other details from the trip.

In the window that opens, choose the trip(s) that you want to invoice and click on the Continue button.

Then the option to create the rows of the invoice and again Continue.

The invoice rows will be automatically filled with the price and other details from the booking.
You can modify, add or remove the invoice rows.
To finish, save the Invoice by clicking on the save button.