
Invoice one or more bookings
To issue a new invoice for one or more bookings, open the booking list and select all the rows you want to include on the invoice. Be careful to choose the same customer’s bookings
Click on Invoice in the menu, and in the window that opens, choose the option to create the invoice rows from the available ones and press the Continue button.

Sengerio creates a new invoice and inserts the invoices rows according to your choice:
- One row for trip
For each booking that you selected, an invoice row is generated relative to the Passenger Transport (vehicle price), another row for each Additional Expense, Extra or Abroad in the booking, as you can see in the image below.

- Rows with grouping of trips
An invoice row is generated for each VAT Code.
This is the sum of all the rows relative to the Passenger Transport that have this code. The same thing is done for Additional Expense, the Extra and the Abroad rows.
In the Group column, you can see the Grouped criterio used.

- Rows with grouping of trips by date
The price rows are grouped by departure date of the quotation, by type (Transport, Expenses, Extras, Abroad) and by VAT code.

- Rows woth grouping of trips by reference
The price rows are grouped by quotation reference, type (Transport, Expenses, Extras, Abroad) and VAT code.

In all cases, in addition to generating invoicing rows, the customer, the series and the payment options are set.
You just have to make the changes you feel necessary and save.
Whichever procedure you follow, remember that it is not possible to invoice bookings that have already been (completely) invoiced.
If you connect a credit note to an invoice it will be possible to invoice the booking again.
If you invoice a booking that was already invoiced and canceled, the new invoice will automatically contains all the rows from the canceled invoice and its credit note.
If you want to invoice a single booking, you can access the dates of the specific booking and click on Invoice in the menu inside.

Like the previous option, you can import one or more trips directly from inside an invoice. Choose the customer, then click on Import trip in the menu.

In the window, you select the booking that you want to invoice and click on the Continue button.

For the option to create invoice rows, click Continue again.