
Start writing the address or point of interest.
Choose a point from those suggested or define a new favorite point by clicking on the + icon.
In the list of suggestions, the places have the light blue icon.
To find out more about favorite points read the guide to Manage your places.

Add new points from the button below, and remove them by right click and select remove. You can also duplicate a route point. Right-click on it and select Duplicate.

Manage the route and hire duties in the quotation
- Route
To manage the information regarding the trip route, click the Route tab on the page of a specific quotation.

Start writing the address or point of interest.
Choose a point from those suggested or define a new favorite point by clicking on the + icon.
In the list of suggestions, the places have the light blue icon.
To find out more about favorite points read the guide to Manage your places.

Keep in mind that if you specify the Date and Time of a point of the route, you have to also specify the Type and vice versa. Specify the type by choosing from the available options.
Each route must start with a pickup (or start duty with pickup) and end with a drop-off (or finish duty with dropoff) to be valid.
Each route must start with a pickup (or start duty with pickup) and end with a drop-off (or finish duty with dropoff) to be valid.

In the case of a quotation that does not yet have all the relevant information, you can create a route without any date or type. Please note that if there are multiple route points in the booking, and the type of the route points is not selected, all except the last point will be considered as departure points and shown in this way in the agenda.
Add new points from the button below, and remove them by right click and select remove. You can also duplicate a route point. Right-click on it and select Duplicate.

Drag the rows to organize the points of the route as you want. It is obligatory that each timetable must be consecutive to the previous one. Any errors in the ordering of the timetable or type are signaled when saving.

After you’ve decided the route, you can view it directly on Google Maps by clicking on the pin icon in the field with the distance that you find at the bottom right, under the route table.
On Google Maps, you can understand the distances and travel times of your route.
On Google Maps, you can understand the distances and travel times of your route.

- Hire Duties
For optioned quotations, it is possible to also manage the hire duties. Click on the option tab.
Depending on the route and number of vehicles specified, the rows of vehicle and driver hire duties are automatically generated.

To add a driver or assistant hire duty, click + at the bottom. Choose the type of Resource, the Vehicle hire duty to put in, and whether the duration is entire or partial. In the second case, you can specify different start and end times and places.
Each driver’s hire duty is marked with a capital letter that distinguishes it from the others within the same vehicle turn.
Each driver’s hire duty is marked with a capital letter that distinguishes it from the others within the same vehicle turn.

To change an existing hire duty, click on the blue pencil icon on the left side of the row.

If there are more Sections specified on the route , a vehicle duty is created for each.