Read the Human resource graph

This is an example of a graph relative to the Human resources.

Each column of the grid below the graph has a precise meaning. Obviously all the data are relative to the selected period.

  • Driver
    The driver to whom the data refers shown in a certain row

  • Work days
    Indicates the amount of days that driver has worked.
    The total days of work for all the drivers is shown in brackets.

  • Activity percentage
    Indicates the percentage of work days of that driver relative to the selected period.

  • Sick days
    Indicates the number of absent days (of type Sick) of that driver.

  • Sick percentage
    Indicates the percent of absent (of type Sick) days of that driver relative to the selected period.

  • Absence days
    Indicates the number of absent days (type different from Sick) of that driver.

  • Absence percentage
    Indicates the percentage of absent days (type different from Sick) of a driver with respect to the period selected.

  • Inactivity days
    Indicates the number of inactive days of that driver. The total of the inactive days for all the drivers is shown in brackets.

  • Inactivity percentage
    Indicates the percentage of inactive days of a driver with respect to the selected period.

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