
All of the settings relative to the date ranges are maintained from one graph to the next, but not when you exit Sengerio or refresh the page.
Select a date range
By default, the last 30 days of your activities are shown compared to the same date range in the previous year.

To select a custom date range to view your graphs in Dashboard, click on the grey arrow beside the dates in the top right.

In the first field of the date range selection, choose among the predefined options or set a custom range.

The Custom date range option unlocks the two fields below and lets you set the dates of your choice.

In the second field of the date range selection, choose whether to compare the dates of the first date range with another (among those predefined or custom) or to not compare them.

The Compare to a custom date range option opens two fields underneath and lets you set the dates of your choice.

No changes are applied to the graph until you press Apply.
All of the settings relative to the date ranges are maintained from one graph to the next, but not when you exit Sengerio or refresh the page.