Sengerio SUPPORT
How can we help you?
Sengerio SUPPORT
Base functionality
Manage numerical series
Deleting a numerical series
Upload an attachment
Scroll from one form to the next or the previous
Quotation request form
Select a customer or supplier
Manage pages of a list
Lists and elements management
Sort data in a list
Manage list columns
What to do in case of forgotten password
Keyboard shortcuts
Restore default settings
Update a form or list
Use the filters on the lists
Manage privileges
Print or export the contents of a grid to Excel
Ask for support to the Sengerio team
Delete an item from a list or an entire form
Use the quick search tool
How to assign vehicles, drivers and suppliers
How email sending works in Sengerio
Manage translations
Portal configuration
Markdown guide
Retrieve an email address in Sengerio
Use the canned emails
Remote support with Sengerio Team
Agenda and Scheduler
Manage the scheduler of your drivers
Manage the Attestation of Activity
Manage the preferences for Agenda and Scheduler
Share one or more assignments
Manage the agenda
Manage supplier groups
Plan your vehicle hire duties
Manage driver groups
Dispatch - Manage the operational communications
Plan your driver and assistant hire duties
Manage vehicle groups
Assign and remove a trip to a supplier
Manage the scheduler of your vehicles
Send daily agenda emails
Print or send Scheduler
View the telephone numbers of drivers in hire duties
Lock and unlock assigned resources
Scheduler Features Guide
Manage quotation requests from website
Create an option for a trip
List of quotations
Manage the prices in the quotation
Confirm a quotation
Manage the quotation costs
Duplicate a quotation
Insert a note in a quotation
Print or send quotation document
Insert an activity in a quotation
Create a quotation
Manage the route and hire duties in the quotation
Upload an attachment in a quotation
Manage Terms and Privacy
Quotation for a return trip
Close a quotation
Manage the options due dates
Reply to a Request for quotation
How to Send a Request for quotation
Manage the prices in the booking
Specify the territoriality of a trip
Insert a note in a booking
Insert a “No show” in a booking
Manage the expenses incurred by the driver
Duplicate a booking
Repeat a booking
Booking for a return trip
Manage the costs of a booking
List of bookings
Create a booking
Use flight information
Insert an activity in a booking
Cancel a booking
Manage the additional expenses and extras of a trip
Take advantage of trip notifications
Use document templates
Connect two or more trips
Changes log
Use section templates
Add a second driver to a booking
Insert an issue on the road in a booking
Configure the variable costs of a Booking
Close a booking
Differences between closing and canceling a booking
Manage your places
Print or send booking document
Enter the information of the completed trip
Profit analysis of a Booking
Manage the route and hire duties in the booking
Upload an attachment in a booking
Use the passengers list
Route synchronization with the customer
Verify trip invoicing
Import your bookings in Sengerio
Use the step tracking feature for a trip
Plan the journeys of a line
Create a line and its journeys
List of lines
Edit the template of a journey
Rate tables
Configure a rate table for Private Tour
Configure additional expenses by city
Configure a rate table for Private Transfer
Configure the supplements of a rate table
Create a rate table
List of rate tables
Duplicate a rate table
Set the geographic areas to use in the rate tables
Set the validity for the rate table
Reserve a rate table for one or more customers
Configure a rate table applied to a Supplier
Organize invoice rows
Create an advance invoice
Invoice one or more bookings
Manage invoice payments
Create an invoice
Change the preferences for the invoice
Add payments from the invoice list
List of invoices
List of payments
Duplicate an invoice
Create a pro forma invoice
Print or send invoices
Invoice one or more quotations
Invoicing to the subcontract customer
Localize sales tax name and additional fields
Lock and unlock an invoice
Credit notes
List of credit notes
Connect a credit note to an invoice
Print or send the credit note
Create a credit note
Customer statements
Supplier statements
Set automatic reminders
Business partners
Manage the preferences for business partners
Deactivate or reactivate a business partner
Insert a note in the business partner
Manage the contacts of a business partner
Create a business partner
Set the credit limit for a customer
List of business partners
Import your business partners in Sengerio
How to connect with a Business Partner
Manage the business relationship with a business partner
Manage your list of connections
Human resources
Insert a photo of your human resource
Manage the human resources absences
Import your human resources in Sengerio
Manage the on hands of the human resources
Deactivate and reactivate a human resource
Manage the human resource requests
List of human resources
Manage the other activities of the human resources
Manage the documents of your human resources
Enable the Sengerio Driver App for your driver
Use the drivers activity report
Create a human resource
Manage your human resource contracts
Use the advances report
Manage human resources due dates
View the posts on the board
Insert a post with an attachment
Insert a post on the board
Upload files on the board and share them
Use the Vehicles activity report
Use the Report of vehicle work days
Manage refuelings of your vehicles
Associate a vehicle with a supplier
Manage the due date of one of your vehicles
Configure depots
Manage downtimes of your vehicles
Import your vehicles in Sengerio
Import your refuelings in Sengerio
Configure the checklist for the vehicles inspections
Set a pre-assigned driver to one of your vehicles
Insert the photo of your vehicle
Deactivate and reactivate a vehicle
Use the refuelings Report
Manage penalties of your vehicles
Manage accidents of your vehicles
Manage maintenances of your vehicles
Manage your tanks
Check the inspections of your vehicles
List of vehicles
Create a vehicle
Manage vehicles due dates
Activate GPS tracking on your vehicles
Take advantage of GPS tracking from the map
Guide to the "Vehicle Usage" report
Messages list
Manage activities
Manage a conversation in Sengerio
Manage pending actions
Read the supplier turnover graph
Read the Customer Turnover graph
Read the Booking volume graph
Select a date range
Read the Human resource graph
Read the Vehicles Turnover graph
View external resources and step tracking of bookings assigned to supplier
Assign, edit and cancel a booking to a supplier
Request a quotation from suppliers
Sengerio integrations
Error guide for QuickBooks Online integration
Configure integration with QuickBooks Online
Configure integration with Stripe
Configure integration with Twilio
eSign - How does the request eSign work
eSign - List of possible errors and management
eSign - Guide for activation
View the list of accesses
Configure a user role with hidden prices and customer
Obtain a token for the Sengerio API
Insert a user photo
Enter the signature of the user
Change user password
Disable a user
Add or edit a user
Manage user roles
Manage the teams
Manage the operator for a service, invoice or credit note
Use a subaccount
Domain configuration
Manage your subaccounts
Manage your Account page
Insert a logo for the operator
Pay for subscription by bank transfer
Payments, billing and transactions
Configure the resources for your subscription
Sengerio subscription
Sengerio Driver
Log out as a driver
Insert and view the attachments of a trip
View the notes of a booking
Create a connection to Sengerio on the home screen of your smart phone
Enter the odometer data
Manage the vehicle inspections
Manage the refuelings
Enter an expense in a booking
Manage your presence
View the passenger list
Use step tracking
Create a leave request
Change the profile data and the password
Use the driver Agenda
Collect money from the customer
Login as a driver
View the route of a booking
View the attachments for the driver
Read messages from the board
How to enable Telegram notifications
Analyze your business trend
Read the supplier turnover graph
Read the Customer Turnover graph
Read the Booking volume graph
Select a date range
Read the Human resource graph
Read the Vehicles Turnover graph
Sengerio SUPPORT
| 2025