
This list shows by default all the customers with whom you have a commercial relationship (together with the gross amount, collected amount and unpaid amount.

The values Last week and Last month represent the week and the solar month preceding the present moment. If you need to, select Custom date range and specify the dates that you need.

The screen in split into two parts: on the left, you can select the Language, and specify if you want to print or sent the document, and to write a personalized text for the email or modify that suggested by Sengerio.
Set a Contact from those of the customer to automatically fill in the To field with the email of that contact.
If this is a payment reminder you will also be able to specify the Level of the reminder (from 1st, 2nd, or 3rd).
Finally, To the right, you can see a preview of the document.

To review the printed or sent documents for a customer, right-click on that customer and click on Generated documents.
Keep in mind that for each customer you will be able to view up to a maximum of 100 documents, the oldest ones will not be visible.

Customer statements
Click on the calculator icon in the main menu, and then on Statements.

Click on the blue arrow beside the title, and select Customer statements.

This list shows by default all the customers with whom you have a commercial relationship (together with the gross amount, collected amount and unpaid amount.

Use the button Expiring Tomorrow or Expired to see only the customers invoiced in expiration or expired and also to pay and issue, in this case, a Payment Reminder.
You can also filter on the data of the invoices using the appropriate tool to select a period.

The values Last week and Last month represent the week and the solar month preceding the present moment. If you need to, select Custom date range and specify the dates that you need.

It can happen that you find two different statement rows with the same customer, and there may be two reasons for that.
The first is that there are actually two different customers registered with the same name, in which case we advise you to make the Customer code column visible, so as to recognize them.
The second is that the rows concern the commercial relationship of that customer both with your account and with your sub-account, thus obtaining two separate rows.
The first is that there are actually two different customers registered with the same name, in which case we advise you to make the Customer code column visible, so as to recognize them.
The second is that the rows concern the commercial relationship of that customer both with your account and with your sub-account, thus obtaining two separate rows.
To generate a statement or payment reminder, click on the right button of the mouse on a row or click on the balls icon at the bottom of the row and then on Generate Document.

The screen in split into two parts: on the left, you can select the Language, and specify if you want to print or sent the document, and to write a personalized text for the email or modify that suggested by Sengerio.
Set a Contact from those of the customer to automatically fill in the To field with the email of that contact.
If this is a payment reminder you will also be able to specify the Level of the reminder (from 1st, 2nd, or 3rd).
Finally, To the right, you can see a preview of the document.

Below, you can see how the printed statement document looks.
At the top, the logo and the information are those of your operator.
At the top, the logo and the information are those of your operator.

To review the printed or sent documents for a customer, right-click on that customer and click on Generated documents.
Keep in mind that for each customer you will be able to view up to a maximum of 100 documents, the oldest ones will not be visible.

For each document you can see whether it was printed or sent by email, and you can reopen each document at any time.
Furthermore, in the case of email, the text of the email sent is shown.
Furthermore, in the case of email, the text of the email sent is shown.
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