Payments, billing and transactions

In order to pay for the Sengerio subscription, first access the Admin app.

Then click on the Subscription item on the main menu and select the Payment tab.

If you haven't already done so, enter your billing information by pressing the appropriate button, fill in the form that will open and save.

You can pay the subscription with credit card or with a bank transfer.
  • Bank transfer

  • Credit card
Configure at least one credit card by clicking on Add a card and entering the data, managed in total security through Stripe.
If you want you can insert more than one card. When making a payment, Sengerio will use the first one in the list and, if this fails, he will try the next one and so on.
Once a card has been inserted, you can recharge your balance at any time by making a manual payment by clicking on Pay now.
Alternatively, it is possible to configure automatic payment, setting the recharge amount and the balance amount under which to make it.
For each payment made (both automatic and manual) you will receive a notification email.

By choosing manual payment, if at any time your balance drops below the recharge level you will receive an email alert and you will need to recharge as soon as possible.
By choosing the automatic payment instead you will be notified only in the event that the payment, for whatever reason, is not successful.

At any time you can see in detail the history of your payments and the transactions on your balance from the tabs at the top Payment history and Transactions.
In particular, in the Payment History you can also easily view the invoices related to each payment.

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Sengerio SUPPORT | 2025