Print or send the credit note

To print or send a customer credit note document by email, click on Generate document in the menu inside the credit note.

The screen is divided in two parts.

On the right you can see the document preview which reflects the language and settings selected on the left panel.

Let's see the fields one by one:

1. Action - You can select an action between send and print.

2. Language - You can specify the language of the document; this influences the text of the document itself.

If you are sending an email, there are also other fields:

1. From - The sender of the email can be chosen from among those that Sengerio automatically suggests, or can be entered manually.

In both cases, Sengerio remembers the choice the next time a credit note is sent.

The suggested values are the name and email registered on your user data and, if available, names and emails recorded on the data of the account or sub-account selected for the specific credit note.

2. To - The recipient of the email can be chosen from among those that Sengerio automatically suggests to you or it can be entered manually (even more than one).

The suggested values are related to the name and email of the customer of the credit note, and to the contacts registered on that same customer.

Alternatively, you can also specify an email address manually.

3. Cc and Bcc - These fields are visible once selected on the corresponding label.

If shown, they follow the same logic as the To field.

4. Body - This is simply the text of the email that is sent.

To review the printed or sent documents of a credit note, open that credit note and click on Generated documents in the burger menu.
Keep in mind that for each credit note you will be able to view up to a maximum of 100 documents, the oldest ones will not be visible.

For each document you can see whether it was printed or sent by email, and you can reopen each document at any time.

Furthermore, in the case of email, the text of the email sent is shown.

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