Dispatch - Manage the operational communications

First, open the Scheduler app and select Dispatch from the main menu on the left.

Choose one of the options at the top between Human resources and Suppliers to manage communications to one or the other.
You will see all duties on the selected date listed, sorted by start day. You can change the date with the arrows or the calendar, just as you would in the agenda.

Select the duties you are interested in and click the Send button or the Print button.

The document preview screen is divided into two parts: on the left you can specify the Language, and decide whether or not to show certain fields (different depending on whether the recipient is a driver or a supplier).
On the right, on the other hand, you can see the updated document preview reflecting the selected options.

In case of an email, the To field automatically takes the email address specified in the master data of each driver or supplier, showing you only the name.
If no email is specified in the master data, you will not be able to send the document.

In the Generated column you can find the date and time of the last communication, following a megaphone icon, while if the column is empty it means that no communication has been made yet.
If the icon is blue, it indicates that since the communication was made the shift has not changed, if it is orange, on the other hand, the shift has been changed and no communication has yet been sent since the change.

To review the list of all communications related to a shift simply click on the date and time of the last communication.
Keep in mind that for each duty you can view up to a maximum of 100 documents, the oldest will not be visible.

For each document you can see whether it was printed or emailed, and you can reopen each document at any time.

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