
For simplicity, you can create some recurrent Activities and use the button with the box so that, clicking on the title of one of them, its text is immediately copied to the activity.

You can create recurrent Activities by selecting the box icon and then clicking on the pencil icon in the bottom left corner of the tab. Here, you are presented with the window default activities. Click on the + to add a new recurrent activity. Once this has been saved, you can click on the box icon in the activity section to apply a recurrent activity.

Insert an activity in a quotation
Click on the Road icon in the main menu and select Quotations. Open the specific booking in which you would like to insert an activity.

To insert an activity, click on the Activity button that you can find in the Route tab inside a quotation.

Here you can write down any activity that needs to be completed, such as a phone-call or an email, relevant to that quotation.

To change the due date of the activity, click above it and select the new date on the calendar.
If an activity has not been completed, the square will be made highlighted as grey if it is still pending, yellow if expiring and red if expired.

To mark an activity as completed, tick the checkbox beside the date.

For simplicity, you can create some recurrent Activities and use the button with the box so that, clicking on the title of one of them, its text is immediately copied to the activity.

You can create recurrent Activities by selecting the box icon and then clicking on the pencil icon in the bottom left corner of the tab. Here, you are presented with the window default activities. Click on the + to add a new recurrent activity. Once this has been saved, you can click on the box icon in the activity section to apply a recurrent activity.

All the activities are shown in a list in the Route tab, indicated by the calendar icon.

You can delegate the tasks to other members of your team.
Simply click on the icon in the top right corner and select the person to who you want to assign the task.

By using the calendar icon in the toolbar at the top, you can see if there are pending or expiring activities.
The number of pending or expiring activities is shown as a red notification on the activity icon.
The number of pending or expiring activities is shown as a red notification on the activity icon.

To see the list of all your activities, expired or not, click on the calendar icon, and use the buttons above the list to filter the activities based on their due date.

You can mark an activity as complete, or change its due date.