
Choose the type of Sengerio subscription that best suits you, knowing that each license has one or more apps included. Furthermore, by clicking on License details you can see how the price calculation is set for each one, and a brief description of each of the apps.

Sengerio subscription
To configure your subscription in Sengerio you must first access the Admin app from the main menu on the left.

As a second step, click on Subscription in the main menu.
Here you can manage everything related to your subscription.
Here you can manage everything related to your subscription.

Choose the type of Sengerio subscription that best suits you, knowing that each license has one or more apps included. Furthermore, by clicking on License details you can see how the price calculation is set for each one, and a brief description of each of the apps.

To activate or deactivate a subscription, simply use the corresponding switch under the name of the subscription itself, and then press Activate license in the window that opens.

Sengerio charges you the costs of the licenses activated in the subscription only when they are active; you can deactivate it in the periods in which you are not using the program, but keep in mind that you cannot reactivate it more than 3 times if you do not first make a new payment to Sengerio.

You can modify the resources included in your subscription by following the guide Configure the resources for your subscription