Configure the resources for your subscription
In any moment you can modify the number of resources included in your subscription following your needs.
First, you must have completed the configuration of your subscription (see Sengerio subscription).

Regardless which licence you have chosen, you can configure the resources number by cliccking on Configure resources button in the Subscription section of Admin.

In all cases, as with license activation status, you cannot change the resource values more than 3 times without first making a new payment to Sengerio; also the values set here are used to calculate the subscription cost.

  • Vehicles
By default the values are set to the minimum value of 5 vehicles and 10 human resources, but you can increase them as you like, knowing that the human resources included are always twice as the vehicles.

  • API daily quota
By default the value is set to the minimum of 3000.
This type of resource concerns only the Sengerio API license.

  • Dashboards
By default the value is set to the minimum of 1.
This type of resource concerns only the Sengerio Analytics license.

  • History of resources
This voice opens a recap window that shows all the changes happened to each type of resource, how many were selected and by whom.

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