
To return to the booking, just click on the close button in the top right corner.
Changes log
The following article helps you with the changes log of bookings but it can be applied, in the same exact way, to the journeys.
Click on the Road icon on the main menu and select Bookings. Open a booking.

From the menu inside the booking click on Changes log.

In the window that opens you can find the list of everything that has been changed in the booking over time.
Each row shows what was changed, by whom, and when.
Each row shows what was changed, by whom, and when.

Changes can be one or more on the same row, and can be creations (Created, in green), updates (Updated, in light blue) or deletions (Deleted, in red).
Updates contain only the fields actually changed, while creation and deletion contain all of them.
Updates contain only the fields actually changed, while creation and deletion contain all of them.

It is possible to filter by user and date in the standard way, but it is also possible to filter by a specific field whose changes you want to see, choosing from an already filled list of fields.

To return to the booking, just click on the close button in the top right corner.