
Click on the + button at the bottom, under the vehicle and driver duties already present.

Select the vehicle duty on which you want to add the driver, and click on Continue.

In the window that opens, select the type of resource by choosing between Driver and Assistant, and specify whether the coverage will be Entire (i.e. for the entire duration of the vehicle duty) or only partial.
Finally click on Continue.

Lastly, before you can cover the duty you just created, save the booking.
Please note that a booking can have as many drivers (or assistants) as you deem necessary.
Add a second driver to a booking
You can add a new driver to a booking whenever you want by simply opening the Operative tab of the booking that you want to work with.

Click on the + button at the bottom, under the vehicle and driver duties already present.

Select the vehicle duty on which you want to add the driver, and click on Continue.

In the window that opens, select the type of resource by choosing between Driver and Assistant, and specify whether the coverage will be Entire (i.e. for the entire duration of the vehicle duty) or only partial.
Finally click on Continue.

Lastly, before you can cover the duty you just created, save the booking.
Please note that a booking can have as many drivers (or assistants) as you deem necessary.