
To mark an activity as completed, simply tick the checkbox beside the date.

Manage activities
Sengerio reminds you of all your important tasks via Activities which is located on the top menu.

Once you select this icon, you can visualize your entire list of activities.

Click on one of the options at the top of the list to see your activities within a specific time frame.
On the list, you can see the service number or the invoice number to which the activity is referring, followed by which member of your team has been assigned the task.
Within the activity column, you can see all the tasks that need to be completed for each activity.
Moreover, you can see the due dates of each activity. In the case of an activity not completed, the square is presented as grey if the date is a long time out, yellow if expiring and red if expired.

To mark an activity as completed, simply tick the checkbox beside the date.

To read more about how to create activities, take a look at the dedicated pages of our guide on how to Insert an activity in a booking and Insert an activity in a quotation.