eSign - How does the request eSign work
You can request an eSign of your trip documents, being them quotations or confirmed bookings.

In the document preview, you will see the option Request eSign, tick on that option. It is possibile to request an eSign only to a single recipient.

Once you have sent the request, you will be able to view its status by going into the Generated documents of that trip. When the recipient will have completed his sign, you will see a copy of the signed document as well as a log file, detailing the events chronologically.

To send a request eSign and to view the notifications, follow this brief video that will guide you step by step.

Once you have sent the request, you will just have to wait its completition from the recipient. You can view it status from the Generated documents and also from the bookings or quotations list, using the appropriate column Last eSign notification.

This video will show the appropriate column for the eSign notifications.

If you have received an eSign Request and you need to sign the document, you can check this video to understand what you have to do.
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