
It is possible to filter the vehicles based on the name (consisting of vehicle code and license plate) using the field above the list.

By clicking on any vehicle, on the list or on the marker on the map, a popup will show you some additional information, such as the current speed or the precise address (by clicking on "Show address").

The replay is a tool that allows you to observe the exact route taken by a vehicle in a certain period of your choice (Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month, or a Custom period).

After clicking on Show you will see the route taken in that period on the map; you can also follow it by pressing the play button or go step by step or use the slider to see the points that interest you.

Take advantage of GPS tracking from the map
Once the Tracking license has been activated and you have registered the GPS device on at least one of your vehicles, you can start making the most of all the features from the map.
Access the tracking app from the corresponding item in the main menu.

On the map you will immediately see the vehicles on which you have inserted the GPS device and you will be able to see their status (online / offline) and position.
If a vehicle is moving you will see the position change in real time.

It is possible to filter the vehicles based on the name (consisting of vehicle code and license plate) using the field above the list.

It is also possible to filter based on the desired vehicle group, by clicking on the button next to the aforementioned field.
If you can't see the device you want in the list, keep in mind that the vehicles you see are always filtered by vehicle group; if you haven't set it, the filter is initially set to the Default group.

At any time it is possible to zoom in or out on the map, and to search for a specific point using the controls on the right.

By clicking on any vehicle, on the list or on the marker on the map, a popup will show you some additional information, such as the current speed or the precise address (by clicking on "Show address").
The buttons at the bottom of the popup allow you respectively to activate the replay function or to open the vehicle's current position on Google Maps (standard or street view) or Apple Maps.

The replay is a tool that allows you to observe the exact route taken by a vehicle in a certain period of your choice (Today, Yesterday, This week, Previous week, This month, or a Custom period).

After clicking on Show you will see the route taken in that period on the map; you can also follow it by pressing the play button or go step by step or use the slider to see the points that interest you.