Markdown guide
When you create a note or an activity in Sengerio you can use a special syntax called markdown to write formatted text in a simple way.

You can can, for example, write bold text or create lists.

Down here you will find everything you can do.

To add a new line, simply finish that line with '  ' (two empty spaces). For example:
First line  
Second line

  • Emphasis

  • Headers
    # Big header
    ## Medium header
    ### Small header
    #### Tiny header
Big header
Medium header

  • Lists
    * Generic list item
    * Generic list item
    * Generic list item

    1. Numbered list item
    2. Numbered list item
    3. Numbered list item
Keep in mind that if you use a list as the first element of a note, you have to start two new lines before, otherwise it could not work as intended.

  • Links
    [Text to display](

  • Quotes
    > This is a quote.
    > It can span multiple lines!

  • Tables
    | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
    | -------- | -------- | -------- |
    | John | Doe | Male |
    | Mary | Smith | Female |
Keep in mind that if you use a table as the first element of a note, you have to start a new line before, otherwise it could not work as intended.
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