
- Copy and send the driver the number that appears after activation;

- The driver will need to search the Telegram contacts for the Sengerio Driver bot and click Start;

- Then the driver will have to type the message /sub followed by the number you sent him (Ex: /sub 34200780) and the connection is complete!

How to enable Telegram notifications
With Telegram Notifications, the driver will be notified for each service that is assigned, changed or removed.
To receive Telegram notifications follow these steps:
- On the driver's tab, activate Telegram notifications from the activation button;
To receive Telegram notifications follow these steps:
- On the driver's tab, activate Telegram notifications from the activation button;

- Copy and send the driver the number that appears after activation;

- The driver will need to search the Telegram contacts for the Sengerio Driver bot and click Start;

- Then the driver will have to type the message /sub followed by the number you sent him (Ex: /sub 34200780) and the connection is complete!

From now on, the driver will receive a message for each time a service is assigned, changed or removed.

The message on Telegram will be accompanied by a push notification, so your drivers won't miss a thing!