Manage your subaccounts

Using the subaccounts, you can manage more than one company, each with its alias, on the same Sengerio account (therefore using the same vehicles and the same drivers).
For more details, see the guide on how to use a subaccount.

Click on the apps icon or directly on Apps in the left menu and then on Admin.

You will see the information of your account at first.
Click on the arrow next to Account in the toolbar at the top and then on Subaccounts.

You can edit a subaccount by clicking on the pencil icon next to its name, or you can create a new one form the + button at the top.
The subaccount form is very similar to a generic business partner. Fill all the information you need and save. 

Keep in mind that a Subaccount cannot be deleted but can be Deactivated from the relative menu item.

Linked articles: 
Use a subaccount 
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