
Check the inspections of your vehicles
Click on the vehicles icon in the main menu, and then on Vehicles Inspections.

The list shows the results of all the inspections made by your drivers via the Sengerio Driver App. In case of a faulty inspection, the bell on the corresponding row is colored red.
Click on the bell when you want to remove the notification for that inspection (i.e. Once you inspect it).

To view the details of an inspection, double click on the row, click on the blue arrow or right click (or hold, on the tablet), and select Show details.

The details show the Vehicle involved, the Date, the Author and possibly a Note. By observing the checklist, you are able to identify the fault.

If for one or more checks the driver has entered a photo, there will be a label 'show image' next to the name of the check. Click on it with the mouse to open it.
Linked articles:
Configure the checklist for the vehicles inspections
Configure the checklist for the vehicles inspections