
Just below your supplier's coverage line is the External Resources block with their information, such as vehicle license plate or drivers' phone numbers.
(Note: If the External Resources block is not present, it means the supplier has not yet covered that reservation.)

View external resources and step tracking of bookings assigned to supplier
In a booking assigned to a supplier connected through Sengerio, you can view the resources it has assigned at any time.
Simply access the booking and then click on Operational.
Simply access the booking and then click on Operational.

Just below your supplier's coverage line is the External Resources block with their information, such as vehicle license plate or drivers' phone numbers.
(Note: If the External Resources block is not present, it means the supplier has not yet covered that reservation.)

Also in the operational tab, just below the external resource block, is the step tracking section.
If your supplier's drivers are using Sengerio Driver, they can record where and when they are Ready for Pickup, have made a Pickup and Dropoff, or when there was a No show with a simple click.
Each of these steps is visible in this section so you can monitor the situation without difficulty.
If your supplier's drivers are using Sengerio Driver, they can record where and when they are Ready for Pickup, have made a Pickup and Dropoff, or when there was a No show with a simple click.
Each of these steps is visible in this section so you can monitor the situation without difficulty.

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