
Once the file has been uploaded, it is necessary to associate the columns of the file with the columns in the Sengerio grid. This process is automatic if the name of the two columns is the same (ignoring upper/lower case, and the asterisk, which indicates mandatory data).
You don't need to match every column in the file, but keep in mind that unmatched columns will be ignored.
Import your human resources in Sengerio
Click on Import from Excel in the menu of the human resources list to import them directly from an Excel file, without having to create one at a time.

Click on the central button to select the file and upload its data (or drag it directly onto the page).
From the Excel file, the data is read starting from the second row (the first row is usually used for headlines) up to a maximum of 100 at a time.
Important aspects to check in order for the import to be successful:
1. The format of the individual cells in the file to be imported must be set to "text".
2. If you also need to import phone numbers, you must use the international format, e.g. +44 334 6625547.
Once the file has been uploaded, it is necessary to associate the columns of the file with the columns in the Sengerio grid. This process is automatic if the name of the two columns is the same (ignoring upper/lower case, and the asterisk, which indicates mandatory data).
You don't need to match every column in the file, but keep in mind that unmatched columns will be ignored.
Once the association is complete, press Preview of import.
Make any changes you deem necessary and verify that the data are correct.
If the text of a field is in red it may be because of an error in the formats, or because the data must be selected from a drop-down menu; in the second case the data entered via import will serve as a hint, click on it and select the correct value from those in the list.
To finish creating the new data, click on Import human resources.
If the text of a field is in red it may be because of an error in the formats, or because the data must be selected from a drop-down menu; in the second case the data entered via import will serve as a hint, click on it and select the correct value from those in the list.
To finish creating the new data, click on Import human resources.