Use the refuelings Report

Click on the vehicles icon in the main menu, and then on Report.

Click on the blue arrow next to the title and select Refuelings.

The list shows all your vehicles along with the Consumption for a certain year. 

Choose the year to consider using the arrows at the top or writing directly in the field.

Keep in mind that for the calculation of consumption, the system takes into account only fuel-type refuelings.

On the left side of the grid, in addition to the vehicle code and brand, you have the average consumption for the selected year.

But on the right side, you find the average consumption calculated for each month.

To see the quantity of fuel and the distance traveled by each vehicle, both for the entire period and for the individual months, show the hidden columns Quantity and mi.

For each vehicle, click on the value of the Real Consumption column on the left to open the details of the refuelings registered in the selected year.

Click on the value of one of the Consumption columns on the right to open the details of the refuelings made for that specific month.

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