
The list shows a specific, customizable time period, of all the advances registered on all the human resources, to give you a complete overview.

To set a specific period, use the appropriate selection tool next to the name. Click on the grey arrow and choose the time period.

The Last week and Last month values represent the week and the solar month preceding the current ones. If needed, select Custom Date Range and specify the dates you need.
Keep in mind that as long as you do not press Apply, no changes to the list are made.

Use the advances report
To access the Advances Report, click the person icon in the main menu, then click Report.

The list shows a specific, customizable time period, of all the advances registered on all the human resources, to give you a complete overview.

To set a specific period, use the appropriate selection tool next to the name. Click on the grey arrow and choose the time period.

The Last week and Last month values represent the week and the solar month preceding the current ones. If needed, select Custom Date Range and specify the dates you need.
Keep in mind that as long as you do not press Apply, no changes to the list are made.