
#4001 - Oops! There was a problem during the authentication process by QuickBooks Online. Please try again later.
It means that the authentication process has not been successful. This could be as your data may have been lost or modified in the process.
To resolve it, retry later.
To resolve it, create or update a Payment method in QuickBooks Online with same name as the payment method used in Sengerio.
To resolve it, create or update a Term in QuickBooks Online with Name and Due in fixed number of days both equals to the Deferment days number used in Sengerio.
This can have 3 possible causes and has several solutions:
To resolve it:
To resolve it, you must manually change the Invoice no. on QuickBooks Online until only one remains with same Invoice no. as the one in Sengerio.
To resolve it, create or update a Tax code in QuickBooks Online with same name as the VAT rate used in Sengerio.
To resolve it:
To resolve it, you must manually change the Credit note no. on QuickBooks Online until only one remains with same Credit note no. as the one in Sengerio.
Error guide for QuickBooks Online integration
This article demonstrates and explains the common error cases when using the QuickBooks Online Integration. Each error has a corresponding error code that is shown in Sengerio.

Example of an error message - Error Code #4004
List of error codes
#4001 - Oops! There was a problem during the authentication process by QuickBooks Online. Please try again later.
This message can appear when activating the integration.
It means that the authentication process has not been successful. This could be as your data may have been lost or modified in the process.
To resolve it, retry later.
#4002 - Oops! No payment method with name "..." found on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when creating or updating a Business Partner. It means that the payment method used in Sengerio is not present on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when creating or updating a Business Partner. It means that the payment method used in Sengerio is not present on QuickBooks Online.
To resolve it, create or update a Payment method in QuickBooks Online with same name as the payment method used in Sengerio.
#4003 - Oops! No term with name "..." found on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when creating or updating a Business Partner or an Invoice. It means that the Deferment days number used in Sengerio does not have an equivalent Term in QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when creating or updating a Business Partner or an Invoice. It means that the Deferment days number used in Sengerio does not have an equivalent Term in QuickBooks Online.
To resolve it, create or update a Term in QuickBooks Online with Name and Due in fixed number of days both equals to the Deferment days number used in Sengerio.
#4004 - Oops! No customer with DisplayName "..." found on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when updating a Business Partner or when creating or updating an Invoice or a Credit note. It means that a customer is present in Sengerio but is missing on QuickBooks Online.
This can have 3 possible causes and has several solutions:
- The customer's Display Name has been modified on QuickBooks Online. To resolve this case, search the customer on QuickBooks Online and change their Display Name to match the business partner Code in Sengerio. If the Display Name in QuickBooks Online is the one you want to keep, then you have to modify the business partner Code in Sengerio to match the Display Name of QuickBooks Online
- The customer has been made inactive on QuickBooks Online. To resolve this case, you have to make that customer active again on QuickBooks Online.
- When you update the Business partner in Sengerio you may have modified the Business partner Code. To edit a Business Partner Code on Sengerio, you must first change the Display Name in QuickBooks Online and only then you can change it on Sengerio.
#4005 - Oops! No invoice with no. "..." found on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when updating an Invoice. It means that the Invoice no. has been manually modified in QuickBooks Online or it is missing.
This message can appear when updating an Invoice. It means that the Invoice no. has been manually modified in QuickBooks Online or it is missing.
To resolve it:
- If the Invoice no. has been modified on QuickBooks Online, you must manually change that and align it to the Invoice Number in Sengerio.
- If the invoice is missing in QuickBooks Online, you must manually create one and align the Invoice no. to the Invoice Number in Sengerio.
#4006 - Oops! More than one invoice found with no. "..." on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when updating an Invoice. It means that there are more Invoices with same no. in QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when updating an Invoice. It means that there are more Invoices with same no. in QuickBooks Online.
To resolve it, you must manually change the Invoice no. on QuickBooks Online until only one remains with same Invoice no. as the one in Sengerio.
#4007 - Oops! No tax code with name "..." found on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when creating or updating an Invoice or a Credit note.
It means that the VAT rate used in Sengerio does not have an equivalent Tax code in QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when creating or updating an Invoice or a Credit note.
It means that the VAT rate used in Sengerio does not have an equivalent Tax code in QuickBooks Online.
To resolve it, create or update a Tax code in QuickBooks Online with same name as the VAT rate used in Sengerio.
#4008 - Oops! No credit note with no. "..." found on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when updating a Credit note. It means that the Credit Note no. has been manually modified in QuickBooks Online or it is missing.
This message can appear when updating a Credit note. It means that the Credit Note no. has been manually modified in QuickBooks Online or it is missing.
To resolve it:
- If the Credit note no. has been modified on QuickBooks Online, you must manually change that and align it to the Credit note Number in Sengerio.
- If the Credit note is missing in QuickBooks Online, you must manually create one and align the Credit Note no. to the Credit note Number in Sengerio.
#4009 - Oops! More than one credit note found with no. "..." on QuickBooks Online.
This message can appear when updating a Credit note. It means that there are more Credit note with same no. in QuickBooks Online.
To resolve it, you must manually change the Credit note no. on QuickBooks Online until only one remains with same Credit note no. as the one in Sengerio.