Set the geographic areas to use in the rate tables

To configure the Geographical areas to use in the rate tables, access a transfer rate table and one of the two tabs of the rate table per step.

Open one of the existing rate tables or create a new one, and start to write something in the places field.

The drop-down list will show a list of place and areas already configured; you can also click on the pencil icon beside Areas to create new areas.

Click on the hand icon at the top to move the map by dragging it, or search for the location you want to draw your area by typing in the field at the top left.

When you are ready, click on the polygon icon to start drawing.

The following is an extremely simple example of a valid polygon.

At the end of the design, write the name you want to give to the drawing area and click on continue.

While you draw the area, keep in mind that the polygon cannot overlap itself!

When you have finished and are satisfied with your work, click on the X to return to your rate table.

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