
Manage vehicles due dates
Click on the vehicles icon in the main menu and then on Vehicle due dates.
The red notification indicates there are due dates that are coming up or have passed.

The presented list is sorted by the Due Date field and is filtered to show only the expired due dates and the due dates expiring in the next 30 days.
The due date is colored red if it has already expired, orange if it is expiring. Otherwise, it is written in black.
The due date is colored red if it has already expired, orange if it is expiring. Otherwise, it is written in black.

Remove the filter on the due date by selecting Show all in the options at the top, or put it back by selecting Expired and expiring in the next 30 days (default option.)

Click on the red bell or the orange bell at the end of each row to remove the notification for that due date.
If the due date is set to repeat, it is postponed for the specified time, otherwise, it is simply removed.
If the due date is set to repeat, it is postponed for the specified time, otherwise, it is simply removed.
Linked articles:
Manage the due date of one of your vehicles
Manage the due date of one of your vehicles