
To configure a Notification email, specify an email address that is used by a sender in the notification messages sent to your suppliers at the time of an assignment. To exclude these messages from certain suppliers, add them to the excluded list with the + button.

Manage the preferences for Agenda and Scheduler
Open the Agenda or one of the Schedulers from the calendar icon in the main menu.

Click on the Preferences menu item.

Configure the Segment label of the scheduler by selecting the information that will compile the segment description, as in the example below.

For Human resources, configure Sharing, Instant or Manual by selecting the corresponding word.

To configure a Notification email, specify an email address that is used by a sender in the notification messages sent to your suppliers at the time of an assignment. To exclude these messages from certain suppliers, add them to the excluded list with the + button.

To configure the Customers from whom you accept bookings automatically, click on the + button or on the trash can depending on whether you want to add or delete one.
Keep in mind that instead of being automatic, the cancellation is an operation you always have to confirm, because of its criticality.