Edit the template of a journey
First of all keep in mind that a template that has planned journeys cannot be modified.

If you need to edit a specific template (i.e. Change the start time) that has planned journeys, you must duplicate the initial template you wish to modify.

Click on the three dots and select Duplicate for the Journey that you wish to duplicate.

It's important that you choose a unique Journey Code and insert the new, updated information (i.e. The new start time).
These changes must be inserted prior to saving the new template, or you will not be able to modify the duplicated version anymore.

After saving your updated duplicate template, it is visible in the List of Journeys.

You can move your already planned Journeys to the duplicated template.
Open the planned journeys of the original template and select those that you wish to move.

From the dropdown menu you just have to select the new (duplicated) template where the planned journeys will be moved.

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Sengerio SUPPORT | 2025