
Manage translations
Sengerio's multi-language feature allows you to add as many languages as you need for documents, trip notifications, the quote request website form and the Sengerio Driver app quickly and easily.
These are the documents you can translate by yourself:
- Quotation document
- Booking document
- Operative document
- Invoice document
- Statement document
- Credit note document
- Scheduler document
You can access the translation section from the Translations menu under the Admin app.
In the translations page you can add a new language for the components: Documents, Forms, Trip notifications and Sengerio Driver.

To add a new language click on the "+" in the upper left corner.
Choose the language you want to add from the list and the component whose texts you want to translate, for example the Sengerio Driver application or Documents.

After adding a new language, if the texts are not already pre-translated, you can start translating all the texts. Sengerio allows you to immediately see the Progress status of your translations for each language and component.

To edit a translation to your liking, open it and click on the pencil icon to the right of the text and make the translation.

After making the translation, remember to change the status to "Done" to update the progress correctly.
The change will be applied immediately after saving.