Quotation request form
Sengerio provides you with a pre-made uotation request form.
Each time a request is made through this form, you will receive a notification within Sengerio (and an email), and with one click you  will be able to create the quotation.

First, it is important to know that you need the Sengerio Quotation form license to use it. (see Sengerio subscription for more information)

Click on the Road icon in the main menu and then on Quotations.

Open the menu and click on Link to my website.

The window that opens shows on the left the fields related to customizing the request form along with the instructions to follow in order to use it.
On the right is the preview of what the user will be faced with when they use your form.

Here's what you can customize:

  • Mode
You can choose for your form to be Full page (thus including the colored header at the top), or to be Form only
  • Name and url of the main site
You can enter the name and url of your site, which will replace Sengerio's in the upper right part of the colored header.
  • Brand color
You can choose the exact color of your brand.
  • Icon and Logo
You can upload a custom icon and/or logo. The icon will be used as the page's favicon and in the header next to the company name.
However, if you also set up a logo this will replace icon and name on the header and the icon will remain only as a favicon.
  • Domain
You can decide what the domain of your form should be. 
For an in-depth guide see Domain configuration.

Each time you save your changes you will see the preview on the right update.
When you are satisfied simply copy the form url at the top of the preview to use it.

As you can read in the instructions below the customization fields, you need to make sure you follow some instructions before you can use the form.

In addition to the license, you need to make sure you have set up a subdomain by following questa guida.

Next, configure each of the vehicle type and travel type that you have entered in Sengerio so that they are visible or not visible on the quote request.
To do this, access the data registry of one of the two types and select the option you want in the Visibility column.

Remember that at least one of the rows must be set to Public because the user will have to select one of them when making the request.

Do the same for places as well, via the field in each one.

To configure the Terms and Privacy, access their list from the main menu.

Within the form of one of the Terms or Privacy, select Request for quotation in the applicability field to use the corresponding text you have written.
You can add more than one Terms or Privacy for request of quotation by specifying a different language.
The user will see them in his browser language.

Finally, remember that you can add a translation of the request form in any language you want.
To do that access the Admin app or click on translation in the instructions to open the corresponding page.
Read this article to better understand how to add a translation.

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